Ok so I pretty much suck at this, bite me!!! It is nice to be done with school and have a little extra time to spend at home with Aubrey and the baby. She is sleeping pretty good until about 8:30 at night, then she decides it's time to wake up and play; it's either at 8:30 pm or like this morning it was 4:00 am. Aubrey got up to feed her and I went to work, when I came home around 6:30-7:00 she said that she had been screaming the entire time I was gone. So, trying to let Aubrey get a little more sleep I took Kenzie and tried to rock her to sleep thinking I would be there for a while, luckily I was wrong. After about 5 min or rocking she was out cold, I put her in her crib and grabbed a pillow and slept there in front of the crib, she didn't even make a sound.
Sometimes when she is "asleep" she will pull faces and different expressions. The other day she was laying on Aubrey's stomach and pulled her arms up and crossed them under her chin so she would have something to rest her head on, crazy girl.

To us she doesn't seem to be changing a lot but grandmas and grandpas L don't think the same. they just think that she is a perfect little angel that sleeps all day. I will admit she isn't the screamer I was terrified she would be but this is no walk in the park either. I must admit she is pretty fun, Usually!!!