So, we have recently decided that either Aubrey doesn't know how to use a computer or she just doesn't want to. She claims it's because she doesn't have time, ya whatever.
There has been a lot that has happened in the last few months here in our home. As for Kenzie she is getting huge. She is in 98% for height and 48% for weight, well she fits in her mom's family perfectly. She is generally a happy baby unless mom isn't around. I don't think I have ever seen such a mama's girl other than my wife, honestly. She has learned how to get up on to her hands and knees and rock back and forth however she can't crawl just yet. I am not looking forward to baby proofing our house.
Aubrey is still working in the ICU over at the hospital and I am now working in the OR at the hospital as well. Right now I am taking a genetics class and am planning on graduating next May. Hopefully all goes to plan and we can move either across the country or even internationally, (Oh how the grandma's would love that).
We sold Aubrey's car and got a bigger one so that she can go places with her friends and not have to drive seperatly, the 4-wheel drive and the tow package was my idea, now I can justify getting a dirt bike and get it around some how.