We have had so many wonderful thing happen to us lately, it has been very busy. The very most exciting thing for us has been the birth of our baby girl, Madison. It is quite a story, on May 25th Trace's brother got married. The whole day we laughed about how funny it would be if i went into labor ect.. I was going to extremes to put myself into labor at that point, for example i walked around the Logan temple with one foot on the curb and the other on the road (Trace wouldn't be seen with me doing that so he drove around and let me know how ridiculous i

looked!). I was very disappointed when at the end of the reception i was still feeling great, after such a long day I had expected to at least feel a contraction, or something! No luck. However a few miles and just moments after leaving the reception my water broke. I was stunned. Thankfully my sister in law was not far ahead of us and was kind enough to stop and let us borrow her camera. The nurse at the hospital found Trace some pajama pants so he didn't have to spend the night in his suit. It all worked out great. Madison was born 14 days early at 7 lbs 10 oz, 21 in long. She is healthy and a good baby. We did find out that her

blood had my antigens trying to kill her red blood cells (causing jaundice). Thankfully it has not been a big deal, she has pulled through remarkably well. Quincy Gibson was kind enough to come to our home and take the sweetest pics of Madison, she did such an awesome job!